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Our school welcomes volunteers - parents, guardians, relatives and other community members. They enhance our programs and are a valuable resource.

Here are just a few ways we could use your help:

  1. PTSO Carnival, Fund Run, and other activities

  2. Field trips

  3. PTSO-sponsored youth activities after school

  4. Helping with musical programs

  5. Library helpers

  6. Book Fair helpers

  7. Individual classroom helpers

  8. Reading tutoring program

  9. "For the Love of Art" docent program

Many of the teachers use volunteers in the classroom on a regular basis. Library, PE and Music can use volunteers as well. Please check with your child's teacher, PTSO volunteer coordinator, or the principal if you are able to contribute in this way.  According to state laws, all volunteers working in the school on a regular basis will be screened. Any adults serving in a volunteer capacity will be asked to fill out a Washington State Patrol form and submit it to the office. All volunteers must sign in at the office and wear an identifying name badge during the time they are in the school.

If you would like to volunteer at Brentwood, contact the school office at 465-6200 or email us at

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